Sweet Potato Fritters Bunyols

Rating: 2.4 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Olive oil for frying these doughnuts is an absolute must! Only in this way you keep the “typical Mallorcan” good taste.

Rinse and make the four potatoes. Peel them while they are still warm and squeeze them. Add the flour. Roll the yeast in half a cup of lukewarm (30 degrees – (maximum) 40 degrees ) water. Stir, cover the cup and put it in a warm place protected from drafts until the yeast bubbles. Knead together with the potato dough, adding water constantly, drop by drop, until a very wet dough is formed, but it should not become viscous.

Let the dough rise, covered, in a warm place for an hour.

Fill a deep cooking pot 3-4 inches high with olive oil. You can of course use an electric deep fryer, but then you will need more olive oil. Heat the oil to 180 °C . When you dip a wooden spoon handle into the oil, fine air bubbles will rise. Shape the bunyols in this way: Wet both hands. Take some dough in the palm of your left hand, form your index finger and thumb into a round opening, and squeeze the dough out until a ball of dough forms. Remove this ball with the thumb of your right hand and at the same time press a hole in the center with the middle finger of your right hand. This takes some practice, so the first time you do this, practice shaping before you heat the oil. You let the curls slide into the hot oil

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