Sour Dressed Melanzane*

Rating: 3.3333 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



*Baigan achari Rinse the melanzane and cut into slices 2 cm thick. Put a wire sieve in a sufficiently large bowl and keep it ready next to the kitchen stove.

In a deep frying pan of about 25 cm ø, bring one third of the oil to medium heat. Pour in as many melanzane as the frying pan can loosely hold in one layer and roast until they take on a reddish-brown color on one side. Turn and roast from the other side. Remove and place in colander. Proceed in the same way with the remaining melanzane, adding another third of the oil to each. Drain the melanzane in the colander for up to 1 hour.

Peel and chop the tomatoes. Grind the garlic with chopped ginger and water in a hand blender to a smooth paste.

In a frying pan, bring 3 tbsp oil to medium heat. Pour in the fennel and black cumin seeds – within a few seconds the fennel seeds will take on a little darker color. Add tomatoes, garlic-ginger paste and remaining spices. Stir for 5-6 min, crushing the tomato pieces. Continue stirring at a slightly higher temperature until the herb mixture thickens and becomes creamy.

Gently stir in the melanzane and make at reduced temperature, stirring gently, in about 5 min. Cover the roasting pan and let it sit at a low temperature for another 5-10 min.

Just before serving, remove the melanzane with a spatula from the

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