Scaloppine in Vino Bianco with Mushrooms, Sage and Rosemary

Rating: 2.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Add 1 tbsp. butter with olive oil to a large hot frying pan and stir through. Season cutlets with pepper and salt and sear for 2 min. on each side, moving and arranging in a circle to leave an open space in the center. Slice mushrooms lengthwise and add to the center of the frying pan. Cut tomatoes into quarters and add.

Rinse sage leaves and rosemary. Pluck rosemary leaves. Add kitchen herbs to mushrooms form and stir. Deglaze with wine, add whipped cream. Steep for 5 minutes.

Our tip: If you like to cook with fresh herbs, it is best to get kitchen herbs in pots – so you always have everything ready!

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