Poppy Noodles with Stewed Plums

Rating: 3.1111 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Plum compote:


A great pasta dish for any occasion:

With poppy seeds you can not only bake delicious cakes, but equally make very tasty savory. “Papaver somniferium”, in German: Schlafmohn, is the name of the flower from which the poppy seed comes – not to be confused with the corn poppy, which grows bright red in summer on meadows and fields. Even though the spicy seeds come from the same plant as opium, they do not produce addiction – at least physically. For while opium is extracted from the white milky sap of the immature opium poppy capsules, the poppy seeds come from the ripe seed capsules. Furthermore, new cultivars grown in Europe are guaranteed to be free or possibly very low in narcotics. In Germany, cultivation must nevertheless be approved by the Federal Opium Agency.

For the compote, pit the plums and cut them into wedges. Place them in a large saucepan or gratin dish, sprinkle with 300 g sugar and cook at 130 °C for 15 to 25 minutes, depending on the ripeness of the fruit.

Cook the potatoes in their skins, steam them, peel them while they are still hot and press them through a potato press. Cool and knead together with flour, the three egg yolks, 50 g of softened butter and a pinch of salt to form a smooth dough. The potato dough can also be cooked the day before.

With floured hands, roll into finger-length noodles about the size of a walnut, thick in the middle and tapering toward the ends. Drop pasta into boiling

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