Nougat Parfait

Rating: 3.3226 / 5.00 (31 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the nougat parfait, place the egg yolks, whole eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl and whisk in a bain-marie until creamy – the volume should roughly triple. Then continue beating in a cold water bath (add ice cubes) until the mixture has cooled slightly. Cut the nougat into pieces and melt in the water bath. Stir into the egg-sugar mixture. Whip the cream until stiff and fold in carefully. Empty into prepared ramekins and place in freezer overnight. Turn out the nougat parfait from the ramekins and serve garnished with fresh halved strawberries and lemon balm leaves.

Preparation Tip:

According to this recipe you can also prepare a marzipan parfait. Flavor with amaretto and finely ground cinnamon and garnish with fresh raspberries.

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