Coconut Tofu with Peas, Pumpkin and Mango Sauce

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Cut the tofu into four slices and place them side by side in a plate. Stir the soy sauce with the ginger, the crushed garlic clove, mango whole fruit, turmeric as well as sherry and pour over the tofu slices, cover and let sit for at least 3 hours. Then remove the tofu slices and drain.

Mix the coconut flakes with the whole wheat meal. Stir the egg with a few drops of water. Pull the tofu slices alternately first through the egg, then through the breadcrumbs, repeat this process once, fry on both sides in not too hot soybean oil for a total of 6 to 7 minutes until golden, keep warm.

Make the peas in 1/2 cup of water for 5 min. Peel the pumpkin, cut into slices, cook in a little salted water until just tender. Add the peas, mix with turmeric, apple syrup and 2 tbsp. butter.

Rinse the wild rice and cook in the triple mass of mild salted water for 40 to 45 min, pour off the excess water, add 1 tbsp. butter.

For the sauce, rinse the mango fruit and cut diagonally from the core into small wedges, peel. Set aside four nice wedges, dice the rest and mash with mango whole fruit, add the washed honey, juice of one lemon, raisins, turmeric, 1 tbsp. butter, almond kernels and maybe for thinning a little bit of vegetable soup, heat gently, do not make.

Cut each tofu slice once crosswise, add the pumpkin pea vegetables, long grain rice and the returned

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