
Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 10.0 (servings)



In a porcelain or glass bowl, mix the flour well with all the ingredients in the order listed and leave to swell, covered, for 45 minutes.

Bake the dough in oil for 6-8 minutes until pancake size. It costs less oil if the blinis are prepared on an electric stone plate or (easier) baked in a small coated crêpe frying pan.

Instead, a good pinch of anchovy butter melts on hot blinis (anchovy butter: briefly soak salted anchovy fillets, scrape 60g of butter with a fork, knead everything together with 1 pinch of pepper and a little juice of a lemon and refrigerate).

Other : Standing time: approx. 45 min.

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