Soest Curd

Crush pumpernickel, whisk with sugar, soak with rum and infuse. Mix curd cheese with milk, sugar and vanilla sugar. Coarsely grate chocolate and stir through with cranberries and pumpernickel mixture. Pour layers of curd and pumpernickel-chocolate mixture into a glass bowl. Chill and bring to the table. Tip: Feel free to use better chocolate – … Read more

Margaret Cake

A cake recipe for all foodies: Cream the butter with the crumbled marzipan until thick and creamy. Separate the eggs. Stir the egg yolks, vanilla sugar and lemon sugar into the butter-marzipan mixture. Whip the egg whites until thick and creamy and add the sugar – carefully fold in the snow. Sift together the flour, … Read more

Sweet Potato Bread

For the sweet potato bread, first peel and finely chop the shallots. Peel and grate the sweet potato. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry the shallots in it without coloring. Add the grated sweet potato and fry briefly. Roast the spices in a pan without fat until they are fragrant. This … Read more

Marjoram Soup Prague Style

For the marjoram soup, boil the washed, peeled, diced potatoes in the beef broth until soft. Prepare a light roux from fat and flour, add the garlic crushed with a little salt and pour in the potato soup. Mix well and season with salt, pepper and plenty of marjoram. Cook until well done. Strain the … Read more

Kohlrabi Vegetables

Peel the kohlrabi, cut into 5 mm thick strips, season with a little salt and sugar. Sauté the kohlrabi in hot oil with the lid closed. Stir from time to time. Add a sip of water if necessary. At the end the water should have evaporated. Dust kohlrabi strips with flour and stir in sour … Read more


In a porcelain or glass bowl, mix the flour well with all the ingredients in the order listed and leave to swell, covered, for 45 minutes. Bake the dough in oil for 6-8 minutes until pancake size. It costs less oil if the blinis are prepared on an electric stone plate or (easier) baked in … Read more

Truffled Corn Poulard

Preheat oven (electric oven: 175 °C /fan: 150 °C /gas: level 2). Rinse and dry the poulard inside and out. Carefully remove the skin from the breast by hand. Cut truffle into wafer-thin slices and slide under the skin. Season poulard with salt and pepper. Peel and cut off shallots. Rinse thyme. Stuff into the … Read more

Deep Fried Shrimp Balls with Raspberry Chili Sauce

For the balls, break the crab tails out of the shell. Score the meat lengthwise on the back and remove the intestines. Chop the crab tails into small pieces. Clean and finely dice chili peppers. Remove peel from ginger and grate finely. Chop cashews finely. Mix shrimp meat with chili cubes and ginger, season with … Read more