Polish Carp – In Polish Sauce

Slaughter the fish, pour off the blood into a container, add 1/2 spoon of vinegar. Scale the fish, gut it, rinse it. Make broth from the roots and spices in 2 liters of water. Put the fish on a sieve into the hot broth and cook it slowly for about 40 minutes. Remove the sieve … Read more

Melted Dumplings with Honey Cream Cheese

Preparation time (about 20 min): Knead egg, flour, water, oil, semolina, vanilla sugar and a little salt into a smooth dough, grind into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap. Rest in refrigerator for three to four hours or overnight. Grate lemon. Coarsely chop pistachios. Stir egg yolks and milk until blended (ice cream spread). Drain … Read more

Crab Tails in Tenderloin with Mushroom Sauce

fill some chopped scampi, fry in olive oil, wrap in tin foil and cook in the kitchen stove. Poach the rest of the scampi in a white wine broth, season with salt and pepper. Sauté the washed Vogerlsalat in olive oil and an unpeeled clove of garlic and season. Quarter the mini corn cobs lengthwise, … Read more

Buttercream Pyramid

For the buttercream pyramid, first prepare the sponge mixture. To do this, beat the eggs and sugar until creamy. Carefully fold in the cornstarch and flour. Pour everything into a cake springform pan (diameter 26 cm) and bake at 160 (convection oven) to 180 °C (regular oven) for about 20 minutes. For the butter cream, … Read more

Polenta Balls with Sausage Filling

Rinse and sort out the spinach, removing the thick stems. In a saucepan, bring enough water with liter tsp salt to a boil and blanch the spinach in it liter minute, drain in a sieve and cool, then squeeze lightly. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and roast the sausages until they are … Read more

Pink Roasted Game

For the pink roasted game, finely crush or blend the spices in a mortar or food processor. Rub them into the roasted game meat. Heat a pan with some oil (approx. 4 tablespoons) and brown the game meat in it. Cook in the preheated oven at 120°C for about 30-45 minutes until pink. (core temperature … Read more

Chicken Burger

For the chicken burgers, rinse the chicken breasts in cold water, pat dry and mince. Remove the crusts from the toast and grind into crumbs in a food processor. Mix the minced chicken with the toast crumbs, beaten egg, salt and pepper. Form 4 loafs from the mixture with wet hands and brush with oil … Read more

Mother’s Day Star

For the Mother’s Day star, cook the vanilla pudding according to instructions and fill into star bowls. Top with finely chopped strawberries and bananas and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds.

Cream Cheese Cake with Fruits

A cake recipe for all foodies: Line a cake springform pan (28 cm ø) with parchment paper. Finely crumble the biscuits (it is best to put them in a freezer bag and roll them over with a pasta roller). Gradually drizzle with the orange liqueur, stirring constantly. Do the same with the melted butter. Press … Read more

Pizza Salami

For the pizza salami, mix water, salt and dry yeast together in a bowl. Put the flour in another bowl and make a well, add the yeast mixture with the oil. Knead everything well. Dust the work surface with a little flour and knead the dough again for about 5 minutes. Coat a bowl with … Read more