Beef Wellington with Chestnuts and Cabbage

For Beef Wellington with chestnuts and cabbage, first remove the stalk of the cabbage leaves, cut the leaves in half and blanch them briefly in boiling water (this makes them easier to bend and they retain their color). Finely puree chestnuts with whipping cream, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Trim the meat and cut into four … Read more

Lemon Parfait

(*) For a cake pan (quiche mold) of 3/4Liter capacity, enough for four to six people. Egg yolks and powdered sugar in a metal bowl form. Beat over a lightly boiling water bath until creamy. Now place the baking bowl in a cold water bath # perhaps add a few ice cubes # and meanwhile … Read more

Banana Cookies with Tangerine Ragout

For the banana cookies with tangerine ragout, preheat the kitchen oven to 180 °C. Mash one banana, mix with the juice of one lemon, sugar, yogurt and whipped cream, add to the finished cookie dough and shape into cookies, place on a baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. Caramelize sugar and butter, … Read more

Blue Potato Soup

For the blue potato soup, wash, peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces. Chop the onion, sauté in oil, add the potatoes. Pour water, add cloves and bay leaf and cook until soft. When potatoes are soft, remove bay leaf and cloves. Whisk vigorously or briefly puree the blue potato soup with a hand … Read more

Egg Quesadilla with Mountain Cheese and Bacon

For egg quesadilla with mountain cheese and bacon, beat eggs and whisk. Stir in mineral water with 2 tablespoons grated cheese and season well with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Cut bacon into fine rings, wash spring onion and also cut into thin rings. Melt butter in a frying pan. As soon as the butter starts … Read more

Wild Rice Salad

Steam the rice with the soup for approx. 25 minutes at 100 °C in the steamer. Season the chicken breasts with herb salt and pepper. Rub with pressed garlic and cook in parallel with the rice for about 15 minutes (depending on size) on a perforated container. Clean and finely chop the celery and spring … Read more

Chickpea Polenta

Finely grind (or grind) chickpeas in cutter. Bring soup to a boil, add pea flour while stirring. Simmer on low heat for five minutes. Generously line a pie dish (quiche dish) with household foil, pour in chickpea mixture, cool completely. Turn out the pea cake and cut into slices. Fry slices in hot butter on … Read more

Curd Cake with Shortcrust Pastry Base

For the curd cake with short pastry base, first mix the butter with egg, sweetener and salt and knead in flour with baking powder. Roll out the short pastry and drizzle with sour cherries and a little juice from the sour cherries. Mix the curd cream from the given ingredients and spread it on the … Read more