One Eyed Pirate

For One-Eyed Pirate, fry sausage slices in coated skillet on both sides until edges bend up and bowls form. Fry 4 fried eggs. Prepare creamed spinach according to package directions, season with nutmeg and spread into sausage bowls. For the One-Eyed Pirate, top with the fried eggs and paint on a pirate’s face with ketchup. … Read more

Coleslaw with Carrots

For the slaw, press the shaved cabbage with your hands to soften it. Add the carrots and chili. Make a marinade of vinegar, honey, oil and salt, empty it over the cabbage, mix well and let it stand for about 1 hour.

Ploberger Slices

For the Ploberger Schnitten, first melt Ceres. Add the yolks, sugar and egg. Grate chocolate and nuts and add them as well. Finally, stir in flour and beaten egg white. Spread the dough on a greased baking tray and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. After baking, immediately cover the Ploberger Schnitten with … Read more

Cold Cucumber Soup

Remove the skin from the cucumber, cut in half and remove the seeds. Then slice and grind in a hand blender and add the chicken soup. Then add the dill and crème fraîche and season with the spices. Then put everything together to cool. Before serving, dice the bread, toast it in a little butter … Read more

Strawberry Spinach Smoothie

Peel the banana, wash the strawberries and remove the stalks. Finely puree together with the remaining ingredients. Pour the smoothie into glasses and enjoy chilled or immediately as desired.

Roasted Wood Pigeons

Gut the woodpigeons (take the liver and gizzard), bard and truss. Lightly rub the wood pigeons with goose fat and season with salt. Then place on the grill grate above the juice pan and cook for about 20 to 25 min at 240 °C (gas mark 8). Chop the liver and gizzard into small pieces … Read more

Broccoli Salmon Quiche

Knead a smooth dough from the ingredients listed and put to cool for about 30 min. Divide broccoli into very small roses, steam in water for about 5 min until soft and cool. Cut salmon into tender strips. Mix eggs with cream cheese and sour cream or crème fraiche, season to taste. Roll out the … Read more

Egg Spread

Hard boil eggs. Finely chop the gherkin and mix with mayonnaise or cream, mustard, salt and chives. Peel eggs and cut into small pieces. Carefully fold into the mixture. Garnish the finished egg spread with some chives.

Rhubarb Pear Juice

For the rhubarb pear juice, wash and slice the ginger. Wash rhubarb and cut into small pieces. Wash and core pears, mix with rhubarb pieces, sprinkle both with lemon juice and bring to a boil in a pot together with the star anise and ginger. Cook for about 60 minutes, stirring frequently. Strain the still … Read more