Hazelnut Ice Cream Roulade

For the hazelnut ice cream roulade, beat eggs, water, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until foamy, finally fold in flour. Spread on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at 200 degrees for about 13 minutes. Remove the baking paper and roll up the roulade. Before serving, roll up the roulade, fill with … Read more

Game Pies

For the game patties, lightly boil chestnuts with water and salt in a pot for 15 minutes. Remove chestnuts, chop coarsely and put in a bowl. Heat oil in a frying pan and brown venison. Add chestnuts, brown briefly and set aside. Sauté leeks in oil, sprinkle with flour, stir and add red wine. Stir … Read more

Millet Cookies with Kale and Carrots

A bean recipe for every taste: Rinse the millet hot, pour it into the boiling water and simmer for about 5 min on low heat. Now swell for 15-20 min on the switched off hotplate until all liquid is absorbed. Fold in the soup cubes and 1 tablespoon of butter. Let the millet steam out … Read more

Quick Breakfast Rolls

In a baking bowl, mix the flour with the yeast powder. Add the curd, fat, salt, water and buckwheat meal. Mix everything with the dough hook of the hand mixer to a smooth dough. Now shape onto the surface and knead with your hands for 4 minutes. Knead vigorously. Preheat the oven to 75 °C. … Read more

Kale Cake with Carrot Sauce

It takes a little time, but since the cake is baked in one piece without a separate base, it is not too time-consuming. (Preparation time about 1 hour 40 min, including 40 min baking time) Mix the curd with the whipped cream, 8 tbsp water, the egg yolks and salt until creamy. Grease a cake … Read more

Egg Liqueur

For the egg liqueur, whip the cream with a whisk until not too stiff, so that the liqueur does not become too firm later. Mix the powdered sugar with the yolks, vanilla sugar, rum flavoring and grain and fold in the whipped cream. Fill the egg liqueur into a nice bottle.

Rabbit Roast – Rabbit

The rabbit should be slaughtered at least 2 days before roasting, but “if necessary” you can also use an already slaughtered K. from the supermarket. On the eve of roasting the K. cut it into individual portions, wash it and put it aside to cool and dry for one night (if it is still wet, … Read more

Our Lentil Stew

Soak the lentils in enough water for one night. Cut the pancetta into small cubes. Remove the skin from the onion and carrots and also cut into small cubes, heat 1 tbsp. butter in a saucepan and sauté the onions in it for 3 min. until translucent. Add the bacon cubes to the onions and … Read more

Banana Coconut Muffins

For the banana coconut muffins, preheat the oven to 160 degrees hot air. Mix flour with baking powder. Warm the coconut oil slightly so that it becomes liquid. Cream bananas with eggs and coconut liqueur, then pour in the coconut oil. Finally, stir in the flour. Pour the batter into a muffin tin lined with … Read more