Oven Bread

For the oven bread, dice the onion, mushrooms and bacon. Fry in a pan in a little fat. Season with salt and pepper and set aside. In another pan, toast slices of farmhouse bread until golden brown on both sides. Place on a baking sheet, top with a slice of cooked ham and a slice … Read more

Turnip and Spinach Stew with Rolled Barley

Rinse cooled selkkaree and place in a large saucepan. Add peppercorns, new spice, bay leaf, salt and unpeeled onion – cut in half. Fill up with beef broth and let it boil. Half with closed lid meanwhile 45 min lightly simmer. Remove meat, drain clear soup through a sieve. Heat butter in saucepan, sauté diced … Read more

Semolina Slice with Cherries

For the semolina slices with cherries, mix semolina, sour milk and eggs well and set aside for 20 minutes. Grease a shallow baking dish and spread the mixture evenly in it. Preheat the oven to 175°C. Pit cherries and sprinkle on top of the mixture. Bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown (baking time … Read more

Potatoes in Salt Coat

For potatoes coated in salt, beat egg whites until light and creamy and stir into sea salt with a dash of water. Preheat oven to 200° Celsius. Cover a baking tray with parchment paper. Spread half of the sea salt and place the potatoes in the center. Wash and dry the rosemary and add it. … Read more

Lemon Yogurt Cake

Try this delicious cake recipe: Place all ingredients for the dough in a slim, tall container and use a mixer to knot together a shortbread dough. Cover and let rest for about half an hour. Next, roll out between 2 sheets of clear plastic wrap the size of the tart springform pan (0 26 cm). … Read more

Pasta Salad with Tuna

Pasta dishes are always a good idea! Make pasta according to package directions, drain, rinse and drain well. Finely dice the cucumber. Cut half red bell pepper into cubes, chop drained capers. Mix everything with the pasta, salad mayonnaise and juice of one lemon. Drain the tuna and mix it with the lettuce. Season with … Read more

Tutti Frutti Cup

For the tutti-frutti cup, divide biscotti into 2 cm pieces, divide among 4 dessert bowls and drizzle with rum. Drain the compote fruit well through a sieve. Peel banana and slice thinly. Evenly distribute compote fruits and banana slices. Mix yogurt with vanilla sugar, sugar and rum. Whip the cream until stiff, fold in and … Read more

Yellow Pea Soup

The peas are boiled in 1 liter of water for about 1 hour. The meat cut into two-finger thickness and spices are added and boiled repeatedly for three quarters of an hour. The chopped soup vegetables and the sausage cut into slices are added and everything is boiled together until soft. Serve with toasted bread … Read more

Poppy Noodles with White Poppy Seeds

For the poppy seed noodles with white poppy seeds cook potatoes in steam, peel, press through the potato press and let cool. Quickly knead potatoes with flour, egg, egg yolk, salt and melted butter into a dough. On a floured work surface, shape the dough into rolls two thumbs thick, divide into pieces about 1 … Read more