Mug Sheet Cake

For the mug cake, mix all ingredients to a dough. Spread it on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in the preheated oven at 180°C on the middle shelf for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool and serve the mug cake sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Apple Dumpling Boiled/Baked

For the apple dumplings cooked / baked finely grate the apples or cut into very small cubes. Sprinkle with lemon juice and mix with all ingredients and season to taste, then let rest briefly. The mass should not be too firm and well malleable. For the curd dough, briefly mix the curd with the egg … Read more

Caribbean Bananas

Using a sharp kitchen knife, remove the peel from the oranges along with the white skin, just like an apple. Next, cut the slices from the separating skins, working over a baking dish to catch any juice that escapes. Squeeze the juice well from the remaining separating skins as well. Squeeze the juice from the … Read more

Pork Fricandeau with Passion Fruit Sauce

For the pork fricandeau, cut two passion fruits in half, scoop out the pulp and place in a small bowl, stirring to combine. Cut 4 passion fruits almost in half (leaving cut halves with about 1 cm of each other.) Scoop out pulp and pass through a sieve into a bowl. Keep the empty fruit. … Read more

Spinach Pudding

Grate the outermost crust from the milk bread and soak the crumbs in milk, while scald 4/5 of the spinach with boiling water and squeeze it firmly, chop it finely with the parsley and the shallots and sauté the greens in melted butter. Then squeeze the soaked bread firmly, mix it with salt, mace and … Read more

Christmas Red Wine Cake

For deb red wine cake grease a cake pan and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, preheat oven to 190 degrees. Cream the butter with the sugar and vanilla sugar. Then add the eggs one by one and mix until creamy. In the meantime, melt the chocolate in the oven and add it to the butter-egg mixture. Add … Read more

Pheasant with Grapes on Champagne Herb

Rinse pheasants under cold running water, dry, season with salt and pepper and wrap with bacon. Tie with yarn, place in roasting pan in oven heated to 200 °C and roast for 30-40 min. Loosely pluck sauerkraut. Peel onions and cut into cubes. Melt lard, sauté onions in it until translucent, add sauerkraut and fill … Read more

Christmas Garlic Cream Soup

For the croutons, cut out fir trees or other Christmas motifs from the brown bread with a cookie cutter. Heat a (non-stick) pan and fry the bread pieces until they are already slightly crispy. Add butter. Continue frying until the bread cubes have become nice and crispy. Sprinkle with a little cinnamon and mix well. … Read more

Glass Noodle Salad with Avocado Tuna Tartar

Try this delicious noodle dish: Soak the glass noodles in hot water for a few min. Drain the glass noodles on a sieve, chop them a little bit with scissors and put them into a big bowl. Add the noodles, diced tomatoes, onion rings, peanuts, shrimps, half of the chopped coriander leaves, squeeze the garlic … Read more