Crepinette of the Corn Chicken with Honey Jus on Framed Cabbage

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


2 crepes:

Poultry farce:

Creamed savoy cabbage:

Honey jus:



Season the corn chicken breasts with salt and season with pepper. Roast for one minute on each side. Next, remove from the roasting pan and cool.

Mix flour, milk, egg, parsley and chives to make a smooth crêpe batter and season with salt, white pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Bake two crêpes (i.e. wafer-thin pancakes) from this batter in a large frying pan with a little butter, just under a minute on each side. Then remove from the frying pan and set aside.

For the poultry farce form the diced chicken breast and the remaining ingredients in a kitchen blender. Blend everything finely and then pass it through a sieve.

Coat the crêpes with the poultry sauce. Now place the sautéed corn chicken breasts on the lower third of each crêpe and roll up carefully. Wrap the rolls in plastic wrap and roll up the ends like a candy. Now wrap the whole thing in the same way with aluminum foil. Cook in the oven heated to 160 °C for 15 to 20 minutes. Now take out and rest for another 5 minutes. Immediately before serving, unwrap from the foil and cut each with 3 diagonal cuts.

Form the savoy leaves for 5 min in boiling salted water, then briefly quench in iced water. Drain well and cut into small cubes or possibly fine strips. Fry the bacon and onion cubes in a little butter in a saucepan until translucent, then add the whipped cream and cook until soft.

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