Easter Ham

Rating: 3.6 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)


Rosemary potatoes:

Orange Chili Salsa:

Cress sauce:


For the main course you need to let your butcher know in time: He should pickle a nice piece from the shoulder or possibly also from the neck of a “lucky pig” (Schwäbisch Bentheimer or possibly Hällisches – or possibly from the forest pig) and smoke it a little. The latter is not only good for the taste, but also for a better shelf life. You can also use raw Kassler.

Select a saucepan in which the piece of meat will fit just flat. Fill it three-quarters full with water, add the spices and bring to a boil. in the surging water, place the ham – it should be just flat with water. Now adjust the temperature so that the water is no longer boiling, but just moving very quietly. Do not put the lid all the way on so that the water does not get into the boil in any case. Cook the ham for between 75 and 90 minutes, depending on its size.

Tip: Taste a little bit of the raw ham – if it is very salty, do not add salt to the water, but if it is mild, add a little bit of salt, otherwise the ham will be leached, because the salt on the one hand draws water into the ham, and on the other hand dissolves in the water along with the aromas.

Meanwhile, prepare the potatoes: Brush them thoroughly, spread them out evenly on a baking sheet or in a suitable ovenproof dish where they will fit against each other, not on top of each other.

The rosemary needle

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