Grape Strudel #5624

Rating: 1.75 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



Stir the cinnamon, egg yolks, powdered sugar and lemon zest until thick and creamy. Finally, add the beaten egg whites whipped with granulated sugar to the mixture and stir in the flour and grated hazelnuts. Spread this mixture on two thirds of the strudel dough as thick as a finger, sprinkle with washed, well-drained, thin-skinned and seedless grapes, brush the remaining third of the dough with melted butter, roll up the strudel and bake for 35 minutes like the apple strudel.

This ‘Weinbeerlstrudel’ was once a feast in the Buckligen Welt and in Eastern Styria on the highest church holidays of the year, at weddings, christenings and at every first Mass.

In the Buckligen Welt, a boiled poppy seed strudel was also known as a Lenten dish (the drawn-out strudel dough was filled with ground poppy seeds, infused with water, and everything was then boiled together in salted water). The Kirchberg “Good Friday strudel” was filled with ground poppy seeds, dried boiled sugar, cherries, pears and a little bit of oil.

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