Carnic Rabbit

Rating: 3.6842 / 5.00 (19 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Chop the rabbit into eight pieces and marinate in vinegar water (100 ml vinegar to one liter of water) for about four hours at room temperature.

Remove rabbit pieces from marinade and drain well with kitchen paper. Save vinegar water.

Heat oil in a large, heavy saucepan, fry finely chopped bacon in it, add finely chopped garlic cloves, peppercorns, bay leaf and thyme sprigs and let everything brown briefly.

Add the well-salted rabbit pieces and brown well on all sides. Pour in wine and chicken soup, cover the casserole and slowly steam the rabbit over low heat until tender.

Replace evaporated liquid occasionally with a dash of vinegar water, turning rabbit pieces occasionally.

Lift out cooked rabbit pieces before serving and keep warm. Strain the remaining juices through a hair sieve, reduce a little more, dusting with a little cornmeal if necessary, until the sauce is nice and creamy.

Serve with polenta.

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